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Trekking in…

Verona ha intorno una corona di verdi colline dette "Torricelle". Il trekking che vi proponiamo si snoda…

Vigneti tra…

Soave, protetta dalle mura medievali e dominata dal suo castello, fu per secoli luogo militare e di difesa. Tuttavia…

a guide in milan
a guide in rome
a guide in venice
a guide in pompeii

A feedback from Opera Tours Italy


Hello Lorella and Valeria, following our bookings with you in August 2013, for a general sightseeing tour of Verona and tour of churches of Verona, everyone at Opera Tours Italy would like to thank you for the fantastic service you both provided to our guests. We really appreciate all the help and advice you provided to us prior to the tour and hope to make further bookings with you in the future – Verona will definitely be on our tour schedule in 2014. With kindest regards Debra, Andrew, Lee and the team.  

Opera Italy Tours - Verona 2015